Emergency Eye Clinic and Ocular Care in Toronto

Metro Eye Care offers innovative, compassionate and prompt care for those individuals dealing with an ocular emergency. Eye Surgery being performedWe understand that an irritated or injured eye can cause extreme distress for children and adults alike. At our emergency eye clinic in Toronto, you will find professional and comforting care at every visit. Our eye doctors are thoroughly trained in the medical management of ocular emergencies and are fully licensed to diagnose and treat ocular conditions. Some eye conditions that our seasoned eye care professionals take care of include conjunctivitis (pink eye), foreign body removals, angle closure glaucoma, and several other eye infections that may cause our patients discomfort.

Woman rubbing dry eyesEye infections occur when harmful microorganisms enter any part of the eye or surrounding area. You may be suffering from an eye infection if the area becomes red, inflamed, painful, watery, dry, swollen, or itchy. When you contract an eye infection, your vision may become blurry and you may also experience an increased sensitivity to light. If you suspect that your symptoms are the result of an eye infection, contact Metro Eye Care as soon as possible. If you cannot visit our optometry clinic right away then be sure to remove your contact lenses and rely on prescription eyeglasses until you can be seen.

Upon arrival, our eye doctors will inspect the eye and surrounding area to determine what may be aggravating your eye. Our optometrists have extensive training and certifications, so they will be able to prescribe you antibiotics or initiate whatever treatment necessary right here in our optometry office in downtown Toronto.